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Pre-Fair Department 35: Agriculture & Science

In this department, students may enter as many classes as they’d like. For each Class listed below, students must make either a display, labeled diagram, tri-board with pictures and descriptions, or model. The piece must be made by the student within the current school year. Lego Models are not allowed at Pre-Fair.

Teacher Information

Ag & Science

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Rockets & Aviation

In addition to the exhibit itself, these must include either a poster educational display, equipment, photography or a scrapbook. Labels and descriptions are encouraged. Unsafe items will be disqualified. No live engines. Weight limit is 15 pounds. Lego Models are not allowed at Pre-Fair.
Select Class Below:

Stem & Steam Projects

In addition to the exhibit itself, these must include either a poster educational display, equipment, photography or a scrapbook. Labels and descriptions are encouraged. Ribbons and Premiums will be awarded per STEM/STEAM project, to go towards the classroom (not per student).
Select Class Below:
For STEM/STEAM (Group) Projects, a list of first & last names of students that participate should be written below (if not the whole class). If this is a whole classroom project, the teacher should write ‘WHOLE CLASS’ below.

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